Monday, June 26, 2006

Living Large in NYC

Today, a couple of my best friends, Evan and Leila, and I had our 10 seconds of capitalistic fame on a huge Times Square digital billboard in NY.

An insurance company was having a promo that allowed egotistical stage-moms submit pictures to run on said Jumbotron. The website and a better explanation is at

Our unretouched, fresh faces will be cycling through 6/26-6/30. Afterwards, the world is sure to be disappointed by having to view less cute images... pity.

I get the feeling that some embarrassing photos may be surfacing soon... watch out, Dad.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tennis anyone?

For Fathers Day, mamma took me to downtown Oakland Sears for a portrait. I threatened to spit up all over my outfit, but decided in the end to cooperate after I had a gaggle of Inadomis pleading with me to smile and show my 2 pearly whites. They got a dimple instead.
